Railroader with Rake
Running Railroader via Rake is discouraged because it loads the entire Rails application
Railroader can generate and install a basic Rake task for a Rails application.
To do so, just run this at the root directory of the Rails application:
railroader --rake
This will create a task in lib/tasks/railroader.rake
that looks like this:
namespace :railroader do
desc "Run Railroader"
task :run, :output_files do |t, args|
require 'railroader'
files = args[:output_files].split(' ') if args[:output_files] :app_path => ".", :output_files => files, :print_report => true
This task will run Railroader with no options. If given an output file, it will save the report in that file. Otherwise, it will print the report out to the console.
To use this task:
rake railroader:run
rake railroader:run[report.html]
This task can easily be customized. See Railroader as a Library for more information.